Laura de Vries
Hello everyone!
My name is Laura de Vries, and I’m the current Chairwoman of the Seadragons! I have been a member since the start of the Seadragons and I’m excited to contribute more to this amazing diving association. I’m 23 years old and start my last year of the Master Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management, specialized in Aquaculture.
My parents could never get me to stay out of the water for a long period when we were on vacation. I was always snorkeling and watching the fishes and other sea animals. My diving adventure started a bit later, in 2021, in the Netherlands. In the summer of 2023, I went alone to Egypt for diving and it was like a total new world that opened up. It was so amazing to see all the colours and animals.
As Chairwoman, my role is to guide the board and make sure the association runs smoothly. I want to keep the board focused and the association connected while making lots of diving and non-diving fun!
I aim to be a positive and open board member and I hope everyone feels safe to ask or tell me anything that is on their mind.